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Find yourself a study buddy

Whether you are a model student or can barely remember which degree you are supposed to be doing, revising for your finals is like running a marathon (but hopefully with less need for Vaseline). Both are long, lonely slogs with a depressing requirement for endurance and discipline. But it doesn’t have to be like this. What you need is a study buddy. Do it with a friend and not only will revision be more fun and less lonely – your grades could improve too. Kathleen McMillan, academic skills adviser at Dundee University, says: “Study buddies can help develop understanding, learning and confidence. What one person finds difficult might be easy to another. Explaining something to a friend can actually help the learning of the person giving the explanation. And as students work together and begin to find that others are in a similar position and that some difficulties are common to all, so confidence will grow.” Continue reading…

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