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Santa got it wrong? Your guide to returning unwanted Christmas gifts

While stores are not obliged to swap gifts, most will as a goodwill gesture. So what can you expect from the major retailers?Shoppers often think they have more rights than the law actually gives them when returning goods, such as unwanted Christmas gifts, to retailers. The fact is, you have no legal right to return an item and demand your money back just because you change your mind about liking it, or because you’ve made a mistake like buying the wrong size or colour. Similarly, you have no right to a refund, exchange or credit note when returning gifts you don’t want.But the good news is, many retailers have “goodwill” policies that go beyond your statutory rights and offer a refund or exchange for unwanted items, provided you bring them back unused and in their original packaging and, ideally, with a receipt. Continue reading…

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Read more…Santa got it wrong? Your guide to returning unwanted Christmas gifts

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