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Gardens: growing heaps of mushrooms

Now’s the time to grow gorgeous varieties in your compost heapI might as well come clean now. Sweeping up autumn leaves is one of the few things about gardening that I really don’t enjoy. The slipping on soggy foliage, the long monotony, those blinking sacks that never stay open, it feels too much like outdoor housework to me. Especially as it inevitably ends in a gust of wind blowing away every neat pile just before you get them to the compost heap. However, there is a silver lining to falling leaves.Not only do they turn into the world’s best soil improver when composted down, but during this process they also make the perfect growing media for fancy oyster mushrooms. In fact, seeding these super easy-to-grow fungi through your compost heap can actually speed up the whole process, giving you faster results, plus some tasty homegrown harvests, too. Continue reading…

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