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Desert roses will soon win your heart

These beautiful succulents from the deserts of the Arabian peninsular are associated with wealth and longevityIt’s always fascinating to me as a botanist that, out of the estimated 400,000 plant species on Earth, humans have become so fixated on a certain number. We have spent generations ingeniously nurturing them in new ways, and dedicated millions of acres of land and incalculable resources to growing them, all for the simple joy of admiring their appearance.Particularly wonderful is that this obsession with specific plants is often culturally bound. While the Japanese have centuries-old nurseries growing moss cultivars, in Britain the only thing you can buy in a garden centre with the word “moss” on it is moss killer. Yet, one of the great things about globalisation, largely driven by the internet, is that it’s opening up horticultural marvels we have long overlooked. A recent rediscovery of mine is the desert rose, Adenium obesum. Continue reading…

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