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Caps off for Tory landlords, it seems | Brief letters

Private rents | Autumn’s fashion trends | Coastal grandmothers in the swim | Tabloid journalists on strike | Letter writingSo, this government will cap social housing rents (Report, 31 August), but when Ted Heath froze rents in the face of rising inflation in 1972, he also included private rents. As a quarter of Conservative MPs are now private landlords, I suppose that was never going to happen.Sheila SpoonerEnfield, London• Jess Cartner-Morley says that autumn 2022’s trends will be clothes you will still love in 2027 (The key fashion pieces right now? Clothes you’ll want to still wear (or sell on) in five years’ time, 29 August). I suspect the main trend will be warm clothes.Pete BibbySheffield Continue reading…

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