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A working life: The tax inspector

It is an unpopular job, but Mick Allcock is proud to do it – even if, he tells Leo Benedictus, someone has to sell their home as a result of his inquiriesEven in the Bible, as far as I can remember, the bad guys were tax inspectors: vindictive hoarders, on the whole, who viewed inflicting misery as a perk of the job. It was a stereotype as silly then, no doubt, as it is now. Yet even among the least villainous officials of biblical Judea, I find it hard to imagine that many were as warm and cheery as Mick Allcock at Bolton tax office.”We’re literally in the middle of moving. Normally, this is packed with staff,” he chirps, as we flit briskly towards his desk across the faded red and grey carpet. And certainly the hundreds of nondescript booths around us do look strangely empty of people and their clutter – apart from the numerous hatches full of files, and Allcock’s own Bolton Wanderers fixture list, its results faithfully completed in felt tip. Continue reading…

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