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A UK expat's guide to Ireland

Glorious countryside, friendly locals and an abundance of pubs are among the many reasons Brits are ‘popping next door’• Are you a UK expat in Ireland? Show us the view from your windowIt’s easy to see why Ireland has been popular with British expats: it’s just a short boat ride away; they speak the same language, only more eloquently; the pace of life is slower; it’s very green; until recently, it boasted a booming “Celtic tiger” economy, so there were jobs as well; it’s part of the EU, which means you don’t need a visa; the Irish people are citizens, not subjects; and then there’s the Guinness, the legendary craic, and of course Irish eyes – which apparently are always smiling, according to the song (even though George Graff, who wrote it, was an American who never set foot in the country). There are plenty of reasons to escape to Ireland, but in fairness to the UK much of the traffic has been the other way, especially since the financial crisis. Ireland is just next door, but it’s still worth doing a bit of homework before you go. Continue reading…

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